Blog Theme

For our final project, me and my teammate Kevin had made a wordpress theme.

We use simple black and white for the colors of the page, and utilizing the ‘border’ inside the CSS files for the style of the page. For the font, we used ‘HP Simplified Light’.

Each posts inside the home page is seperated by a ‘border-bottom: solid’.

Name: Adam Halim Waskito

ID: 1801439734

You can edit this ad by going editing the index.php file or opening /images/exampleAd.gif

My Wikipedia Entry

For a Multimedia Systems assignment, I have made a Wikipedia entry.


Adam HW, 180149734

CG Project – PONG Progress

After a few days of working on this project, tinkering and fixing and comparing, we have made a considerable amount of progress, at least compared to our previous efforts. We’ve grasped the beginner level codes and practices of 3JS, including meshes, geometries, materials, and object movements, and with that, we have managed to complete the project.

Adam & Angga

CG Project – Changing Plans

After a week or two of thinking, researching, and figuring out what we could realistically do with our base level of knowledge, especially regarding the topics of 3D modelling and coding, we decided to change our final project design.

There were many reasons that we could write as to why we made this change so late in the development period, but the most true and reasonable excuse is because the two of us could not utilize the complexities, and therefore potentials, of 3D modelling programs such as Blender and 3JS in the best way possible. There are many things inside those programs and lines of codes that we do not understand nor grasp to fully realize our project.

Our new plan, one that we could realistically do in such a short span of a time,  is to simulate the all time classic game from 1972 for the classic Atari, a small game called PONG, in a 3d environment utilizing 3JS codes and templates. We will utilize various techniques, such as Geometry and Material Meshing, and Dynamic Camera Movement, ones that we have thankfully learned and understand during our time in the CG laboratory sessions.

This plan is changed in hopes to create the best possible project for our final project.

Adam & Angga

CG Project – Model Screenshot

For our final project, we have made our own model. Made using blender. This is its picture: model

CG Final Project – Progress

We have found a model for our project

Computer Graphics – Final Project Proposal


  • Adam Halim Waskito
  • Angga Ichsandria Putra

Title:    Explorer

For our final project, we will make a web-based game using WebGL and 3D models. We will use two types of model, the player model and environment models. What the player will do inside the world is exploring using the keyboard buttons and press a button to interact with a few chosen objects.

The player will view the world from above, through a camera with an isometric view of the world. The camera will lock on the player model as it moves around the environment.

The player model will have a simple shape, perhaps a circle for its head, but will have a walking animation cycle. The environment models will be in the shapes of landscapes, trees, and simple buildings. To make it look better, we will color the environment with using online color palette tools, such as Paletton.

For the controls, the players will use the keyboard arrow buttons to move the player characters, while a button will be assigned—perhaps Z or SPACE—to interact with the world. The player’s interaction with the world will be simple; a text box will appear and gives the payer an information about the object.

Final Project

Course Name :  COMP6126 – Scripting Languages

Developers :

  1. Adam Halim W (1801439734)
  2. Ferick Andrew (1801433296)

Project Description :

A webstore to buy many kinds of books. Things that are available to buy in this website:


  • Design
  • Education
  • Fiction
  • Food & Drinks
  • Science
  • Technology


  • Category bar
  • Buying books
  • Cart
  • Scroll
  • Admin user
  • Normal user
  • Log in
  • Log out
  • View cart

Project Proposal

For my final project, I will make a store page for selling e-books. The customers’s transaction process will involve picking the item, and clicking a button that will prompt the transaction printer to print the receipt, complete with time, date, and item names.

Name: Adam Halim Waskito

Id: 1801439734